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Metal Treatment Products // Spatter Protection

CalGuard Concentrate Red
Concentrated Water-Based Anti-Spatter Spray
  • Concentrated version for large scale application
  • Water based, non-toxic and safe to use
  • Prevents spatter adhesion and build-up on surfaces
  • Includes anti-rust agents


CalGuard concentrate is a concentrated water-based anti-spatter spray used for protecting metal surfaces from weld spatter during welding.

Direction for use

Dilute before using by adding 1 part of CalGuard Concentrate to 3 parts water.

  • Spray CalGuard Anti-Spatter Spray before welding in a thin and uniform film onto the areas to be protected. Be sure to spray approximately 30cm from the areas to be protected.
  • Also use the spray to protect the interior and exterior of nozzles, the end and outer surface of contact tips, and all other potential areas which are subject to weld spatter.
  • It is advisable to spray diffusers and the base of the nozzle support as well.

WASH DOWN: To remove CalGuard Anti-Spatter Spray after use, clean the surface with a steel compatible degreaser.

Ordering info

1410/51 20 litres Each
1410/64 200 litres Each
1410/1000 1000 litres Each